ZF Marine 3055 V12-2000HP girkasse for MAN D2862LE496 V12-2000HP campingbil

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surplus new units ZF Marine transmission gearboxes ZF3055
ratio 1,733 :1
ZF Nr. 3101.003.179 , 3101003179 , 3101-003-179
Ser Nr. 50044386 , 50044387
Vertical offset, direct or remote mount marine transmission.
3 shaft, reverse reduction transmission with hydraulic clutch mounted on the input shaft and another one mounted on the reverse shaft. Input drive on opposite side to output drive.
Non-reversing NR version also available .
Fully works tested, reliable and simple to install .
Suitable for high performance applications in all types of fast craft, luxury motoryachts, patrol vessels, crew-boats etc .
Compatible with all types of engines and propulsion systems, including waterjets and surface-piercing propellers and cpps .
Compact, space-saving design, complete with oil cooler, pump and full flow filter.
Design, manufacture and quality control standards comply with ISO 9001 .
with the MAN Marine engines newest MAN D2862LE496 V12-2000HP ( 2019 year) 02 units, stock.
Package price for complete set 02 engines + 02 transmissions
ready for shipment. EU stock.
surplus new units ZF Marine transmission gearboxes ZF3055
ratio 1,733 :1
ZF Nr. 3101.003.179 , 3101003179 , 3101-003-179
Ser Nr. 50044386 , 50044387
Vertical offset, direct or remote mount marine transmission.
3 shaft, reverse reduction transmission with hydraulic clutch mounted on the input shaft and another one mounted on the reverse shaft. Input drive on opposite side to output drive.
Non-reversing NR version also available .
Fully works tested, reliable and simple to install .
Suitable for high performance applications in all types of fast craft, luxury motoryachts, patrol vessels, crew-boats etc .
Compatible with all types of engines and propulsion systems, including waterjets and surface-piercing propellers and cpps .
Compact, space-saving design, complete with oil cooler, pump and full flow filter.
Design, manufacture and quality control standards comply with ISO 9001 .
with the MAN Marine engines newest MAN D2862LE496 V12-2000HP ( 2019 year) 02 units, stock.
Package price for complete set 02 engines + 02 transmissions
ready for shipment. EU stock.
surplus new units ZF Marine transmission gearboxes ZF3055
ratio 1,733 :1
ZF Nr. 3101.003.179 , 3101003179 , 3101-003-179
Ser Nr. 50044386 , 50044387
Vertical offset, direct or remote mount marine transmission.
3 shaft, reverse reduction transmission with hydraulic clutch mounted on the input shaft and another one mounted on the reverse shaft. Input drive on opposite side to output drive.
Non-reversing NR version also available .
Fully works tested, reliable and simple to install .
Suitable for high performance applications in all types of fast craft, luxury motoryachts, patrol vessels, crew-boats etc .
Compatible with all types of engines and propulsion systems, including waterjets and surface-piercing propellers and cpps .
Compact, space-saving design, complete with oil cooler, pump and full flow filter.
Design, manufacture and quality control standards comply with ISO 9001 .
with the MAN Marine engines newest MAN D2862LE496 V12-2000HP ( 2019 year) 02 units, stock.
Package price for complete set 02 engines + 02 transmissions
ready for shipment. EU stock.
surplus new units ZF Marine transmission gearboxes ZF3055
ratio 1,733 :1
ZF Nr. 3101.003.179 , 3101003179 , 3101-003-179
Ser Nr. 50044386 , 50044387
Vertical offset, direct or remote mount marine transmission.
3 shaft, reverse reduction transmission with hydraulic clutch mounted on the input shaft and another one mounted on the reverse shaft. Input drive on opposite side to output drive.
Non-reversing NR version also available .
Fully works tested, reliable and simple to install .
Suitable for high performance applications in all types of fast craft, luxury motoryachts, patrol vessels, crew-boats etc .
Compatible with all types of engines and propulsion systems, including waterjets and surface-piercing propellers and cpps .
Compact, space-saving design, complete with oil cooler, pump and full flow filter.
Design, manufacture and quality control standards comply with ISO 9001 .
with the MAN Marine engines newest MAN D2862LE496 V12-2000HP ( 2019 year) 02 units, stock.
Package price for complete set 02 engines + 02 transmissions
ready for shipment. EU stock.
surplus new units ZF Marine transmission gearboxes ZF3055
ratio 1,733 :1
ZF Nr. 3101.003.179 , 3101003179 , 3101-003-179
Ser Nr. 50044386 , 50044387
Vertical offset, direct or remote mount marine transmission.
3 shaft, reverse reduction transmission with hydraulic clutch mounted on the input shaft and another one mounted on the reverse shaft. Input drive on opposite side to output drive.
Non-reversing NR version also available .
Fully works tested, reliable and simple to install .
Suitable for high performance applications in all types of fast craft, luxury motoryachts, patrol vessels, crew-boats etc .
Compatible with all types of engines and propulsion systems, including waterjets and surface-piercing propellers and cpps .
Compact, space-saving design, complete with oil cooler, pump and full flow filter.
Design, manufacture and quality control standards comply with ISO 9001 .
with the MAN Marine engines newest MAN D2862LE496 V12-2000HP ( 2019 year) 02 units, stock.
Package price for complete set 02 engines + 02 transmissions
ready for shipment. EU stock.
surplus new units ZF Marine transmission gearboxes ZF3055
ratio 1,733 :1
ZF Nr. 3101.003.179 , 3101003179 , 3101-003-179
Ser Nr. 50044386 , 50044387
Vertical offset, direct or remote mount marine transmission.
3 shaft, reverse reduction transmission with hydraulic clutch mounted on the input shaft and another one mounted on the reverse shaft. Input drive on opposite side to output drive.
Non-reversing NR version also available .
Fully works tested, reliable and simple to install .
Suitable for high performance applications in all types of fast craft, luxury motoryachts, patrol vessels, crew-boats etc .
Compatible with all types of engines and propulsion systems, including waterjets and surface-piercing propellers and cpps .
Compact, space-saving design, complete with oil cooler, pump and full flow filter.
Design, manufacture and quality control standards comply with ISO 9001 .
with the MAN Marine engines newest MAN D2862LE496 V12-2000HP ( 2019 year) 02 units, stock.
Package price for complete set 02 engines + 02 transmissions
ready for shipment. EU stock.
surplus new units ZF Marine transmission gearboxes ZF3055
ratio 1,733 :1
ZF Nr. 3101.003.179 , 3101003179 , 3101-003-179
Ser Nr. 50044386 , 50044387
Vertical offset, direct or remote mount marine transmission.
3 shaft, reverse reduction transmission with hydraulic clutch mounted on the input shaft and another one mounted on the reverse shaft. Input drive on opposite side to output drive.
Non-reversing NR version also available .
Fully works tested, reliable and simple to install .
Suitable for high performance applications in all types of fast craft, luxury motoryachts, patrol vessels, crew-boats etc .
Compatible with all types of engines and propulsion systems, including waterjets and surface-piercing propellers and cpps .
Compact, space-saving design, complete with oil cooler, pump and full flow filter.
Design, manufacture and quality control standards comply with ISO 9001 .
with the MAN Marine engines newest MAN D2862LE496 V12-2000HP ( 2019 year) 02 units, stock.
Package price for complete set 02 engines + 02 transmissions
ready for shipment. EU stock.
surplus new units ZF Marine transmission gearboxes ZF3055
ratio 1,733 :1
ZF Nr. 3101.003.179 , 3101003179 , 3101-003-179
Ser Nr. 50044386 , 50044387
Vertical offset, direct or remote mount marine transmission.
3 shaft, reverse reduction transmission with hydraulic clutch mounted on the input shaft and another one mounted on the reverse shaft. Input drive on opposite side to output drive.
Non-reversing NR version also available .
Fully works tested, reliable and simple to install .
Suitable for high performance applications in all types of fast craft, luxury motoryachts, patrol vessels, crew-boats etc .
Compatible with all types of engines and propulsion systems, including waterjets and surface-piercing propellers and cpps .
Compact, space-saving design, complete with oil cooler, pump and full flow filter.
Design, manufacture and quality control standards comply with ISO 9001 .
with the MAN Marine engines newest MAN D2862LE496 V12-2000HP ( 2019 year) 02 units, stock.
Package price for complete set 02 engines + 02 transmissions
ready for shipment. EU stock.
surplus new units ZF Marine transmission gearboxes ZF3055
ratio 1,733 :1
ZF Nr. 3101.003.179 , 3101003179 , 3101-003-179
Ser Nr. 50044386 , 50044387
Vertical offset, direct or remote mount marine transmission.
3 shaft, reverse reduction transmission with hydraulic clutch mounted on the input shaft and another one mounted on the reverse shaft. Input drive on opposite side to output drive.
Non-reversing NR version also available .
Fully works tested, reliable and simple to install .
Suitable for high performance applications in all types of fast craft, luxury motoryachts, patrol vessels, crew-boats etc .
Compatible with all types of engines and propulsion systems, including waterjets and surface-piercing propellers and cpps .
Compact, space-saving design, complete with oil cooler, pump and full flow filter.
Design, manufacture and quality control standards comply with ISO 9001 .
with the MAN Marine engines newest MAN D2862LE496 V12-2000HP ( 2019 year) 02 units, stock.
Package price for complete set 02 engines + 02 transmissions
ready for shipment. EU stock.
surplus new units ZF Marine transmission gearboxes ZF3055
ratio 1,733 :1
ZF Nr. 3101.003.179 , 3101003179 , 3101-003-179
Ser Nr. 50044386 , 50044387
Vertical offset, direct or remote mount marine transmission.
3 shaft, reverse reduction transmission with hydraulic clutch mounted on the input shaft and another one mounted on the reverse shaft. Input drive on opposite side to output drive.
Non-reversing NR version also available .
Fully works tested, reliable and simple to install .
Suitable for high performance applications in all types of fast craft, luxury motoryachts, patrol vessels, crew-boats etc .
Compatible with all types of engines and propulsion systems, including waterjets and surface-piercing propellers and cpps .
Compact, space-saving design, complete with oil cooler, pump and full flow filter.
Design, manufacture and quality control standards comply with ISO 9001 .
with the MAN Marine engines newest MAN D2862LE496 V12-2000HP ( 2019 year) 02 units, stock.
Package price for complete set 02 engines + 02 transmissions
ready for shipment. EU stock.
surplus new units ZF Marine transmission gearboxes ZF3055
ratio 1,733 :1
ZF Nr. 3101.003.179 , 3101003179 , 3101-003-179
Ser Nr. 50044386 , 50044387
Vertical offset, direct or remote mount marine transmission.
3 shaft, reverse reduction transmission with hydraulic clutch mounted on the input shaft and another one mounted on the reverse shaft. Input drive on opposite side to output drive.
Non-reversing NR version also available .
Fully works tested, reliable and simple to install .
Suitable for high performance applications in all types of fast craft, luxury motoryachts, patrol vessels, crew-boats etc .
Compatible with all types of engines and propulsion systems, including waterjets and surface-piercing propellers and cpps .
Compact, space-saving design, complete with oil cooler, pump and full flow filter.
Design, manufacture and quality control standards comply with ISO 9001 .
with the MAN Marine engines newest MAN D2862LE496 V12-2000HP ( 2019 year) 02 units, stock.
Package price for complete set 02 engines + 02 transmissions
ready for shipment. EU stock.
surplus new units ZF Marine transmission gearboxes ZF3055
ratio 1,733 :1
ZF Nr. 3101.003.179 , 3101003179 , 3101-003-179
Ser Nr. 50044386 , 50044387
Vertical offset, direct or remote mount marine transmission.
3 shaft, reverse reduction transmission with hydraulic clutch mounted on the input shaft and another one mounted on the reverse shaft. Input drive on opposite side to output drive.
Non-reversing NR version also available .
Fully works tested, reliable and simple to install .
Suitable for high performance applications in all types of fast craft, luxury motoryachts, patrol vessels, crew-boats etc .
Compatible with all types of engines and propulsion systems, including waterjets and surface-piercing propellers and cpps .
Compact, space-saving design, complete with oil cooler, pump and full flow filter.
Design, manufacture and quality control standards comply with ISO 9001 .
with the MAN Marine engines newest MAN D2862LE496 V12-2000HP ( 2019 year) 02 units, stock.
Package price for complete set 02 engines + 02 transmissions
ready for shipment. EU stock.
surplus new units ZF Marine transmission gearboxes ZF3055
ratio 1,733 :1
ZF Nr. 3101.003.179 , 3101003179 , 3101-003-179
Ser Nr. 50044386 , 50044387
Vertical offset, direct or remote mount marine transmission.
3 shaft, reverse reduction transmission with hydraulic clutch mounted on the input shaft and another one mounted on the reverse shaft. Input drive on opposite side to output drive.
Non-reversing NR version also available .
Fully works tested, reliable and simple to install .
Suitable for high performance applications in all types of fast craft, luxury motoryachts, patrol vessels, crew-boats etc .
Compatible with all types of engines and propulsion systems, including waterjets and surface-piercing propellers and cpps .
Compact, space-saving design, complete with oil cooler, pump and full flow filter.
Design, manufacture and quality control standards comply with ISO 9001 .
with the MAN Marine engines newest MAN D2862LE496 V12-2000HP ( 2019 year) 02 units, stock.
Package price for complete set 02 engines + 02 transmissions
ready for shipment. EU stock.
surplus new units ZF Marine transmission gearboxes ZF3055
ratio 1,733 :1
ZF Nr. 3101.003.179 , 3101003179 , 3101-003-179
Ser Nr. 50044386 , 50044387
Vertical offset, direct or remote mount marine transmission.
3 shaft, reverse reduction transmission with hydraulic clutch mounted on the input shaft and another one mounted on the reverse shaft. Input drive on opposite side to output drive.
Non-reversing NR version also available .
Fully works tested, reliable and simple to install .
Suitable for high performance applications in all types of fast craft, luxury motoryachts, patrol vessels, crew-boats etc .
Compatible with all types of engines and propulsion systems, including waterjets and surface-piercing propellers and cpps .
Compact, space-saving design, complete with oil cooler, pump and full flow filter.
Design, manufacture and quality control standards comply with ISO 9001 .
with the MAN Marine engines newest MAN D2862LE496 V12-2000HP ( 2019 year) 02 units, stock.
Package price for complete set 02 engines + 02 transmissions
ready for shipment. EU stock.
surplus new units ZF Marine transmission gearboxes ZF3055
ratio 1,733 :1
ZF Nr. 3101.003.179 , 3101003179 , 3101-003-179
Ser Nr. 50044386 , 50044387
Vertical offset, direct or remote mount marine transmission.
3 shaft, reverse reduction transmission with hydraulic clutch mounted on the input shaft and another one mounted on the reverse shaft. Input drive on opposite side to output drive.
Non-reversing NR version also available .
Fully works tested, reliable and simple to install .
Suitable for high performance applications in all types of fast craft, luxury motoryachts, patrol vessels, crew-boats etc .
Compatible with all types of engines and propulsion systems, including waterjets and surface-piercing propellers and cpps .
Compact, space-saving design, complete with oil cooler, pump and full flow filter.
Design, manufacture and quality control standards comply with ISO 9001 .
with the MAN Marine engines newest MAN D2862LE496 V12-2000HP ( 2019 year) 02 units, stock.
Package price for complete set 02 engines + 02 transmissions
ready for shipment. EU stock.